North Korea… A mysterious destination, synonimous with – Axis of evil, weapons of mass destruction, Stalinist dictatorship, rogue regime, starvation etc. Yet when pushed further, very few people could say much more than that.
Asia Pacific
Asia Pacific
The Children of Khaosan
by ROB •
I knew it would be touristy. It’s famous for being touristy. It’s in all the most popular guidebooks and not many people escape this area without at least one visit. But no matter how much reading you’ve done, no matter how many stories your friends have told you about the place, no matter the rumours…
Asia Pacific
The Bus Toilet Incident
by Johan Sallstrom •
During my travels have I come to accept the fact that the unexpected and unimaginable, can and will happen. But still, some things I just don’t count on. I was travelling by bus from the north of Thailand to Bangkok. We had just left a rest stop when my stomach started to move. In a…
Asia Pacific
Holiday in Cambodia
by Dan Quinton •
08:00 AM September 8th, 2002 – After my third night in Bangkok I am fulfilling a lifelong dream by arriving in an air-conditioned minivan at the Cambodian border town of Poipet. I am still hung over from the previous evening, and nervous (in that excited kind of way), but I am determined to prove all…