Victims of Stalin´s cartography of yesteryear, the inhabitants of this unrecognised territory face an uncertain future. Transnistria could end up as a bargaining chip in the often difficult relationship between Russia and Moldova.
Kosovo – Birth Of A Nation
by Martin Felton •
In the spring of 1999 NATO waged an 11-week bombing campaign against the rump state of Yugoslavia, in an attempt to force Slobodan Milosevic’s Government to submit to demands to withdraw its troops from Kosovo, following an alleged campaign of ethnic cleansing that appeared too similar to events in nearby Balkan states, such as Bosnia,…
Europe, Features
by Lee Ridley •

In 1606 Guy Fawkes was convicted and executed for his part in the English parliament gunpowder plot; Rembrandt, the renowned Dutch painter was born; the American southeast began its worst drought in 770 years and Great Britain adopted the Union Jack as its flag. In Sweden, King Charles IX was on the throne. The country…
Europe, Features
Mausjaure Pt3 – The Final Push
by Lee Ridley •
Europe, Features
Mausjaur – Pt 2
by Lee Ridley •

Day 1 It’s lunchtime on Monday at the Mausjaur’s shared house in Jörn and the herders have already been up for seven hours, feeding the herd where they are grouped together in the forest just outside of town. The kitchen is a hive of activity as Lotta Svensson prepares food for the hungry workers. People…
Europe, Features
Mausjaur – Pt 1
by Lee Ridley •

The snow carpeted the floor of the mature pine forest, sparkling in the crisp, still, freezing morning air. A solitary raven croaked in the distance, it’s familiar sound carrying across an otherwise silent, arctic wilderness as I strained my ears, searching for the first faint noise of the approaching herd. The dogs’ barking, barely audible,…