Romanian Hackers in the news

Home Forums Polo’s Rabble Romanian Hackers in the news

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    • #1681

      Here :

      These are not the folks I was hanging out with…They were more like the explorers of the jungle than the gold-diggers. If you notice that hackers are free to pretty much do what they want in Romania, it is only when banks and businesses are extorted or broken inot that the police get involved and even then in this story they only got the ringleader.

      Having been to this pleasant country and hung out with its pleasant hackers I can say it has plenty of computer security experts and due to the lax nature of its laws, it owuld be a perfect “first response” setting….IE a bank gets portscanned from Kazahkstan but Verizon’s TOS agreement wont alow the bank to investigate by scanning on their own. Violating the TOS means maybe getting their network connection shut down…Ithink you see where I am going with this.

      Anyway, as soon as my hacker friend finishes with his mandetory conscription in the Romanian army, I gotta start working on this..this story just reminded me of it and I figured I’d better post it first before the “friends of yours, Kurt?” posts started happening.

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