Obama set to make State of Union address

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    • #3626

      That address will be
      101 Broken Promises Lane,
      Potemkin Village,

      President Obama and the white man who owns the US Frown patent, Paul Volcker.

    • #11689

      I feel like giving up after looking at that old bastard’s moosh

    • #11690

      I’m slightly ahead of you, having given up several years ago.

    • #11691

      I admittedly bought into it for a few months in the hopes that he might be the one politician to keep some promises. So much for nascent optimism. Was very happy to be out of the country during the last months of the political battle so I could avoid the Palin phenomenon and the ridiculous amounts of coverage.

      I’m kind of with you now cold on that whole “ppl get the gov’t they deserve” type thing – I don’t really see anything changing here on any level other than things falling apart, people being despicable at best, so decided at the new year to just focus on my own stuff and not get overly involved in any of that crap (foreign or domestic).

      Has been nice to get back to reading books, watching films, and working on my own projects despite any idiotic machinations going on in the DC-NYC nexus.

      So…guess I’ll be skipping this State of the Union address.

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