Haiti UN/PMC Shenanigans

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    • #2312

      A pretty interesting read about some possible PMC in Haiti complete with UN conivance, murder, kidnapping and intrigue (and possibly bullshit):


    • #7198

      That is just weird.

      Lots fo rumors going around and lots of people getting shot in Cite Soliel, but one of the only incentives to fight for in Haiti is “aid” and to me it doesn’t make sense why American Mercs would be hanging out in the shit-brown waters off Cite Soliel to shoot poor people.

      But then again , Haiti is weird enough for it to happen.

    • #7199

      I read the PDF of the “interview” and my take on it is that anyone who writes someone with a Blog about PMCs and says that she wishes her group to remain “Anonymous” sure picked a dumb way to do it.

      The woman she e-mailed was right about the Haitian coffee being good..But to me I can’t see enough money being in Haiti to make it worth their while and all the secret stuff that she talked about was just odd.

      Part of me was thinking that maybe she is trying to make a name for the company by refuting allegations. Perhaps it is a field where if you are a bit sketchy there is no such thing as bad publicity?

      But like I said it seems a bit “off”.

      I’d like to see someone here who actually knows PMCs (or whatever the hell it is that company claims to be) to read the pdf of the e-mails between the owner of the site and the company rep in Haiti. Perhaps there is something that I am missing.

    • #7200

      I don’t know this company or any operation in Haiti but here is my assumption

      1. Lots of truthful material as a basis with fantastic conclusions.

      The UN DOES hire PMCs all the time, particullarly to secure elections.

      The surveillance part of the PP slide could easily have been part of a surveillance detection program while the debate was going on which is standard. (to detect threats against voters, candidates etc.)

      She makes it sound like they are spying on the candidates. The UN obviously would not do something like that.

      A PMC shooting people fleeing as a policy matter? NO WAY.

      The media would have had that on CNN in about 5 minutes and PMC employees are generally former professional soldiers who simply don’t accept murdering innocents in groups. They actually spend their professional life studying/living concepts like honor, integrity and protecting innocent people from animals.

      So, there you have my assumptions although I do recognize alot of her evidence as truthful but am not going to go into the details on a web site!

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