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    • #1631

      Next week I leave for Europe…well maybe.

      First, I am sick so I stayed home from work to get better before my trip and not to spread illness to my cow-orkers.

      So I decided to get things ready….

      Plane tickets….check. In my “important ” junk drawer.




      I coulda swore I put it in my “important junk” drawer. Right now the contents of the “junk junk” drawer and the important junk drawer are on my bed and I have been dissasembling my room like a crackhead looki ng for change. I managed to find my old passport, and adress of an excellent tour guide to The Citadel in Haiti…

      I probably put it some where other than my junk drawers because I thought I was being “organised”

      Hints from anyone will be helpful (esecially from people who think they always put things in drawers).

    • #4026

      I have “found” my passport in these places before.

      Top pocket of my travel jumper
      File folder
      Side pocket of travel pack
      Fallen down behind desk

      Good luck!

      You can get an emergency passport for a price, I think.

    • #4027

      I’m well-worn in the ways of rush passports(last two passports were rush). Although I’m not sure about you Yanks and all that, but I’ve got a passport up here in as little as two hours with some dodgy references. Last one I got was after sept.11 and took a full day.

      So it ain’t impossible, and if you have a week you’re pretty much laughing.

      My recommendation is to leave no pair of dirty underwear unturned tonight, and if it doesn’t turn up, call all your friends between midnight and 5am to ask where they last saw it. Then if that doesn’t work, go get a new one.

      :arrow: :arrow: :arrow:

    • #4028

      If in doubt try the Burundian para-trooper who insisted to be your guide – no he won’t keep it: after all it’s just for your own good…

    • #4029

      Aren’t you going to fill us in on the continuing saga of the walking passport? Are you heading east or drowning your sorrows?

    • #4030

      Still not found. I leave tommorrow.

      I ripped up the whole apartment. So I got an emergency apt. at the passport office today. Supposedly this one company can get it to me in 24 hours…..my flight leaves from Newark at 4:30 pm My apointment is at 11:30am today….24 hours is scraping it really close.

    • #4031

      Plenty of svcs do this but it costs about 300. Need to fill out some forms and pictures etc.

      You off to Romania?

    • #4032

      Big city life…got a passport office right here and the person who worked with me was just happy that I wasn’t screaming at her. So I got it fast.

      But I had to hide my Swiss army knife under some papers in a kiosk becaus ethey wouldn’t check it for me. I am one of those hicks that can’t leave home without some sort of tool set in my pocket.

      And yep, going to ROmania after visiting relatives in Norway. I got a bunch of small bottles of Makers Mark to give away and one with Radu’s name on it.

      I’ll give you a report should you ever decide to visit a non-jungle area. It seems like a good place with cheap beer , good wine , and mountains..

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