The quiet dirt street seems peaceful enough. An old lady is waiting out the afternoon heat under a shade tree. A small child is happily playing with a dog. Occasionally a car will pass by, the driver greeting neighbors through the rolled-down window. As I stand here in the Central American midday sun, it is…
The Places
Colombia: A Political Primer (Part 3)
by Cristobal Campos •
Colombia Primer (Part 3) Author: Cristobal Campos Posted: 13 March, 2003 The 1980s. It wasn’t just the “Greed Decade” up North; Colombia was more than doing its share of hedonistic living. A couple of events occurred in 1981 that would have a profound effect on the coming decades. Towards the end of the 70s, the…
The Places
Colombia: A Political Primer (Part 2)
by Cristobal Campos •
Colombia Primer (Part 2) Author: Cristobal Campos Posted: 24 Feb, 2003 The 1960s could almost be called the Guerilla Decade as several large groups were formed and rose to nation-wide prominence during these years. The FARC was founded in 1964. The same year, the Ejercito Liberacion de la Nacion (ELN) was established. (The ELN is…
The Places
Colombia: A Political Primer
by Cristobal Campos •
Colombia Primer Author: Cristobal Campos Posted: Feb 8, 2003 This article is the first of three in a series that will attempt to provide a background on the ongoing events in Colombia. It is by no means exhaustive. There is no way a 40-year civil war can be summed up in a few pages. It…
The Politics
Colombia: Turning a Shining Face to War
by Cristobal Campos •
Colombia. To some, the mere name conjures up images of coca fields and swarthy-looking men with slicked-back hair and a long pinky fingernail exchanging briefcases full of cash for brick-sized packages wrapped in duct-tape. Others think of an RPG ambush on white, USGOV Suburbans or of pink t-shirts, covered by cheap suit jackets, a la…
Photos of Fes in Morocco
by Cristobal Campos •
All photos taken with Canon Elan 7E and 50mm f1.8 Canon lens with Fuji Superia X-TRA 400 film. Exposures unrecorded. All were taken in and around the Medina in Fes, Morocco, April 2002. Above: Goat’s heads delicacies for sale in the market Above: Waiting at the entrance Above: Glimpse inside a mosque